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2019 Portrait of Avi ben Mordechai


For Coming Home 

Coming Home is the Torah-based teaching ministry of Avi ben Mordechai.


Coming Home is not a "for-profit" business entity. I am not in business to make money. Cominghome is an extension of who I am. If you wish to make any financial donations for tax write-offs, I do not maintain any special status with any earthly government. Therefore, if you are looking for a tax write-off, this is not the place to make that happen. If you have any questions about whether you can claim a write-off for specific donation amounts to us, please ask a tax professional to determine what you can or cannot claim. 


If you are moved to donate to this outreach, be it regular or one-off, please enter the amount into the DonorBox fields on this screen to the right. Any donations that I receive are responsibly put to use. Thanks so much for thinking of me!

TEXT MSG or VOICE MAIL TO: +1 (425) 550-6670

©2024 Avi ben Mordechai / Coming Home, Inc. Western Australia

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